Have Your Say

Your feedback will help us to develop an inclusive and vibrant place which Stockport can be proud of. There are lots of ways that you can contact us and share your views. Just make sure to get your comments in by Sunday 1st September 2024 when the consultation closes.

You can read about the updated plans for Stockport 8 here or download our latest newsletter.  An accessible version of the newsletter can be downloaded here.

Click here to have your say
Click here to have your say


Complete the online feedback form.

Have your say
Have your say

Drop-in events

Sat 20th July

10:00am – 3:00pm, Merseyway Shopping Centre, 54 Great Underbank, SK1 1PD

Thur 1st Aug

12:00pm – 5:00pm, Outside Edgeley Co-op 84 Castle St, Edgeley, Stockport SK3 9AL

Online Q&A

Tues 23rd July

Attend our online Q&A, 6:30pm – 7:30pm.

Sign up here
Sign up here

First conversation

We had over 300 responses to our first conversation held in early 2024 and this feedback has been really important in helping to shape the plans. Here you can view the materials from the first conversation and read a summary of the feedback we received.