
What's the vision for Stockport 8?

We’re planning to create an exciting mixed neighbourhood to the west of Stockport town centre — currently known as Stockport 8. This is one of the largest town centre regeneration projects in the UK, with the potential for up to 1,200 homes and which will see over £250m invested in Stockport. The site is at the heart of the wider £1bn vision for the Town Centre which will transform Stockport into the most sustainable, liveable town centre in the region over the next decade.

The neighbourhood is the next part in the story of Stockport’s revival. Our aim is to create a connected, walkable and thriving neighbourhood that brings together surrounding communities and extends the town centre into existing neighbourhoods. We’re planning a diverse mix of new homes for the people of Stockport, spaces for independent businesses and green spaces to meet, relax and enjoy. From the iconic Grade II* listed railway viaduct to the adjacent Weir Mill, the local area is full of history which we want to celebrate. Our plans will bring life back to what was once a thriving residential neighbourhood around the railway arches.

What is being proposed?

We have used the feedback from the first conversation to help shape the plans, which include:

  • A diverse mix of up to 1,200 high-quality, energy efficient homes aimed at every stage of life and fully connected to the surrounding communities.
  • Spaces for businesses and community uses at ground floor level, which complement the existing town centre offering.
  • A walkable neighbourhood centred around new public spaces to bring the community together and provide exciting settings for people to meet, relax and enjoy.
  • Improvements to the environment around the busy and vital road network that runs through this part of Stockport.
  • A green ‘spine’ running through the masterplan connecting the new public square and a children’s play space behind Hollywood Park Nursery School.
  • Residential courtyards and areas for green roofs to the buildings, providing a home for wildlife.
  • A safe environment for all, that promotes active, sustainable travel with a pedestrian-only street running through the centre of the scheme.
  • Car parking, car clubs, electric vehicle charging and plenty of cycle parking, ensuring that the neighbourhood is accessible to all.
  • Opening up and creating inclusive public spaces around the viaduct with a new public square that can host markets and live events.
  • Celebrating Stockport’s rich heritage and character with a plan to reintroduce the historic street pattern and street names.

What is currently on the site?

The site is located on land either side of King Street West and next to the railway viaduct. It is currently home to a mix of buildings, including the Stagecoach bus depot and some industrial buildings.

Next to the new bus interchange and a short walk from Stockport train station, the town centre and Edgeley, it is an ideal location for a thriving mixed neighbourhood where we can promote sustainable transport choices and provide excellent walking and cycling connections. We also have the opportunity to reconnect the site to nearby neighbourhoods and the town centre, to the River Mersey and green spaces like Hollywood Park.

From the iconic Grade II* listed railway viaduct to the adjacent Weir Mill, the local area is full of history which we want to celebrate. Our plans will bring life back to what was once a thriving residential neighbourhood around the railway arches.

Who is bringing forward the plans?

Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) and ECF – a joint venture between Homes England, Muse and Legal & General – are working in partnership to create an exciting mixed neighbourhood to the west of Stockport town centre currently known as Stockport 8.

Who is Stockport MDC?

The Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) is the delivery vehicle for Stockport Council and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), driving forward transformative development across a 130-acre (53-hectares) area, known as Town Centre West.

The plans for Town Centre West will see the creation of up to 4,000 new homes, local amenities, major new green spaces, quality new workspace (to accommodate up to 5,300 new jobs) and radical transport improvements, enabling Stockport to become the most sustainable, liveable, and well-connected town centre in the Greater Manchester region.

The central aim of the MDC’s regeneration plans is long-term economic growth and sustainable living, achieved by creating the right housing and workplace provision, local amenities, and new green spaces, as well as transformational transport infrastructure with a focus on greener travel.

Who is ECF?

ECF is a development company set up by three of the UK’s leading regeneration and investment organisations. We work in partnership with the public sector to transform urban areas and create exceptional new places.

The fund brings together the combined expertise and ambition of Homes England, the government’s housing and regeneration agency; investors Legal & General and nationwide placemaker, Muse. Our partnership brings together the best of the public and private sector.

In 2018, we announced the doubling of the fund to £200 million, paving the way for new partnerships and fresh investment into urban areas across England.

Since 2001, we have delivered some of the country’s most complex and most successful urban regeneration projects. We’re proud to have taken on large, challenging sites in Liverpool, London, Plymouth, Salford and Wakefield and created inspiring new places in the heart of these cities.

Following the expansion of the fund, we are exploring new partnerships with strong public sector organisations to deliver large-scale, mixed-use opportunities.

Design, layout and homes

What is the mix of proposed homes?

Approximately 1,200 new homes are included in the plans. We are planning to build a range of homes to help meet the fast-rising demand for high quality housing in the town – from affordable homes to homes for first time buyers, growing families and those looking to downsize in retirement.

Will the new buildings obscure views of the viaduct?

To take full advantage of the site’s key town centre location we are proposing buildings that are higher than those currently on the site. However, the design team are carefully considering the layout to ensure that the development maximises views of the viaduct. By removing the bus depot at street level there will be direct views of the whole of some of the arches, where currently only the top of the viaduct can be seen. A key part of the plans is opening up the area around and underneath the viaduct for public use to improve interaction and appreciation of it.The new buildings will also step further away from the arches so that spaces can be created where people can get closer to them and celebrate their scale.

Will the development include any parking?

Given the accessible location close to the new interchange and train station and in walking distance to the town centre we are proposing a low car neighbourhood. However, there will be some parking included. Accessible spaces will be provided alongside space for car hubs and electric vehicle charging. Whilst we will be promoting active travel we are planning to also provide some parking for residents.

How accessible will the development be?

The development will be fully accessible. All of the public open space will be designed so that it provides accessible routes and all buildings will be accessible at ground floor for wheelchair users.

Commercial, outdoor and public spaces

What outdoor spaces are planned? Will these be available for the public to use?

We want to hear from the local community on what Stopfordians would like to see in the outdoor spaces, which will all be available for the public to use. The development includes a series of public squares as well as long boulevards and nooks that have the opportunity to provide a range of outdoor spaces. The initial ideas we have include young peoples play space, areas for people to sit and gather, climbing walls, small bike parks and large public squares for events and activities. You can let us know what you would like to see by completing our questionnaire.

What community spaces are planned?

There are a lot of opportunities for community spaces to be provided as well as the potential to link into existing community spaces like Hollywood Park that we hope will become more actively used as a result of this development.

We are seeking more ideas from the community about what types of spaces they would most like to see. As well as the planned public outdoor spaces, we are looking at what community infrastructure may be best suited in this area for example a nursery, pharmacy, dentist or youth group facilities. You can let us know what you would like to see by completing our questionnaire.

How much will rent be for the new units?

It is too early in the process to provide this information but we are delivering the scheme with the aim of providing a number of spaces that have accessible price points for independent businesses.

I am interested in taking a commercial unit when the regeneration is complete. How do I start this conversation with the joint venture?

We will be able to provide more information on this later in the planning process and you can register for updates about the regeneration on our website.

Environmental issues

How sustainable are the plans?

We’re designing to the highest standards, not just in Stockport but nationally. Our vision is to create a low-carbon neighbourhood to support a sustainable future and enhance the environment for future generations in Stockport. We are planning energy efficient buildings using highly sustainable materials and smart technology that supports its performance.

The scheme will also be designed to promote active travel with a low car neighbourhood, a pedestrian only central street and green public spaces. Next to the new bus interchange and a short walk from Stockport train station, the town centre and Edgeley, it is an ideal location for a thriving mixed neighbourhood where we can promote sustainable transport choices and provide excellent walking and cycling connections.

Our plans are being developed with the aim to help Stockport Council achieve its ambition of becoming carbon neutral by 2038. We have set a number of technical standards that the development will achieve through each phase. This includes for the reduction of carbon in construction, minimised energy use in operation, enhancing bio-diversity, managing water in the environment and promoting health and wellbeing.

Construction and phasing

How are you going to manage disruption during construction?

As part of the plans for delivering the project, we will prepare construction management and phasing plans, which will prioritise minimising disruption for local residents and businesses. This will include putting in place a variety of measures such as considerate work hours, and noise and dust mitigation measures.

Will there be any meanwhile uses such as pop up events while the building work is happening?

We every much hope that vacant spaces are taken up for all sorts of uses during the period of development. We have engaged a team to market the spaces and will be looking to various sectors to find the right type of events, occupiers and community groups that will want to activate these spaces. We hope that there will be a vibrancy to the area while development progresses and are seeking a wide range of ideas about what people would like to see here.

What are the timescales and phases for the regeneration?

The plan is to be on site with the first phase of development at the bus depot site on Chestergate by the end of 2025. The development will then be phased but continuous and could take around 10 years to fully complete.


How can I have my say?

There are lots of ways that you can get involved in the consultation:

Attend one of our drop-in sessions on:

  • Saturday 20th Jul 10:00am – 3:00pm, Merseyway Shopping Centre, 54 Great Underbank, SK1 1PD
  • Thursday 1st Aug 12:00pm – 5:00pm, Outside Edgeley Co-op 84 Castle St, Edgeley, Stockport SK3 9AL

Sign up for an online Q&A on Tuesday 23rd July (6:30pm – 7:30pm) at

  • Complete the online questionnaire at
  • Fill in a hard copy questionnaire in the newsletter being delivered to local addresses and return via freepost
  • Email
  • Call 0800 689 1095
  • Write to ‘Freepost HAVE YOUR SAY’ (no further address or stamp needed)
  • Follow social channels – instagram @stockport_8 facebook Stockport 8

Your feedback will help us to develop the vision for Stockport 8 and there are lots of ways that you can get involved and share your views. Just make sure to get your comments in by 1st September 2024 when the first conversation closes.

Following this conversation we will work up our plans in more detail and consult again on the proposals before submitting a planning application to Stockport Council.

How will we find out about the feedback provided on the conversation?

You can view a summary of the feedback from the first conversation here. Following the second conversation we will submit a planning application to Stockport Council which will include a Statement of Community Involvement alongside the wider technical documentation. This report will set out all of the consultation activity undertaken, key themes and how the joint venture has responded to resident and stakeholder views.