The next part of Stockport’s story

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The next phase of Stockport Town Centre West is here. A mixed use neighbourhood that will set the standard for town centre living.

Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC) and ECF – a joint venture between Homes England, Muse and Legal & General – are working in partnership to create an exciting mixed neighbourhood to the west of Stockport town centre — currently known as Stockport 8.






A partnership between

Bringing life back to the viaduct

This is one of the largest town centre regeneration projects in the UK, with the potential for up to 1,200 homes and which will see over £250m invested in Stockport.

The site is at the heart of the MDC’s wider £1bn vision for the Town Centre which will transform Stockport into the most sustainable, liveable town centre in the region over the next decade.

The neighbourhood is the next part in the story of Stockport’s revival. We’re planning a diverse mix of new homes for the people of Stockport, spaces for independent businesses and green spaces to meet, relax and enjoy.

Together we want to create a place for all. A place to thrive. A place that is distinctively Stockport.

We believe in putting people at the heart of regeneration and following our first community conversation in January we’ll be back out in the local community over during July and August to share some of the key themes from the feedback and show how the plans have evolved.



See the plans
See the plans

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A proven
track record

Since it was created, the Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation (MDC), has not only galvanised partners to be more ambitious about Stockport’s future but has also led the delivery of schemes that are changing perceptions of the town as a place to live, work, and visit.

Over an anticipated lifetime of up to 15 years, the MDC will re-purpose the 130 acres of Stockport’s Town Centre West, providing up to 4,000 much-needed new homes in a sustainable brownfield location alongside new employment floorspace and the social infrastructure and amenity needed to support a growing community.


ECF is a regeneration company based on partnership. We work with local councils, landowners and communities to create great places, bringing together investment, regeneration expertise and long-term commitment to shape our towns and cities for the better.